Poker Term Backdoor

Backdoor – Refers to a draw that needs to catch two consecutive cards in order to complete. See the glossary entry for examples on how backdoor equity works. Backraise – Refers to a re-raise made after just calling earlier on the same street. Bad Beat – Refers to losing a hand of poker after getting unlucky. While not as common as the above definition, 'backdoor' is also used to refer to a hand that is made other than the one for which the player was aiming. For instance, if you have four hearts after the flop and are shooting for a flush, but end up hitting runner-runner straight, you have backdoored a straight.

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Backdoor - a term that is used to define incomplete hand in poker (draw hand), which requires two more specific cards to complete it. Backdoor draw can also be called runner-runner draw.

Poker Term Backdoor Club

Backdoor draw types:

Poker Term Backdoor Meaning

  • Backdoor straight draw
  • Backdoor flush draw

Poker Term Backdoor Strategy

Poker Term Backdoor

An example of backdoor draw:

You have a hand of . One more spade hit the board - . You need two more spades to complete your backdoor flush draw.

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Poker Term Backdoor Cash

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