Roulette Strategy Secret


Many roulette players have a hot night here or there. But how many have won a ridiculous sum of money with a single bet?

Free Roulette Strategy Secret Formula 90% Win rate. June 2, 2019 regrul. Posted by regrul on June 2, 2019. As i Promised i uploaded a Free Strategy Video About. One best-kept secret of the roulette wheel is ‘dominant diamonds’. These are the sections on the roulette wheel where the ball lands more often than the others. Almost every wheel used by all casinos has dominant diamonds with the most common case being two vertical diamonds.

Not many roulette players enjoy dream wins. After all, this game does carry a house edge.

Pedro Grendene Bartelle, on the other hand, has experienced massive wins while playing the game of roulette, not once, but twice. The Brazilian recently made headlines for winning a $3.5 million payout!

Does this make Bartelle the biggest roulette winner of all time? I’m going to discuss this matter by sharing more on Bartelle, his huge prize, and other big winners.


Who Is Pedro Grendene Bartelle?

Bartelle is the Vice President of Grendene SA, the world’s largest manufacturer of sandals. He cofounded the company with his brother, Alexandre, in 1971.

Pedro is not a professional gambler. Instead, he helps run the day-to-day operations at Grendene SA. He also holds a 14% stake in the Sao Paulo-based company.

Aside from being a VP, Pedro is also an investor. He has even invested a significant amount into Vulcabras Azaleia, which is a competitor to Grendene.

Bartelle Wins $3.5 Million on a Single Roulette Bet

Bartelle is wealthy enough to enjoy high-stakes gambling without worry. He recently took his huge bankroll to Uruguay’s Hotel Conrad to play roulette.

At one point, Pedro became bold enough to start betting $100,000 each round, including some chips on the number 32. As you may know, a single-number wager pays out at 35:1. He was looking at a massive profit if this bet hit.

Sure enough, Bartelle struck gold when his wager on 32 came through. What ensued was a massive celebration between him and his friends, as the dealer paid out $3.5 million in chips. Check it out down below:

Dude Bet $100,000 on a single number, won $3.5 million.

— DRIP (@DRlPTER) August 15, 2019

No records exist on the biggest roulette win in history. But I’m willing to bet that Bartelle’s $3.5 million profit is one of, if not THE, largest roulette payout of all time.

It should be added that Pedro wasn’t putting all $100k on the number 32. Instead, he was making a variety of wagers (covered later).

The fact that he earned a $3.5m prize on his $100k bet, which correlates with the 35:1 single-number payout, is just a coincidence.

Not the First Time That Bartelle Has Struck Roulette Gold

The Vulcabras-Azaleia president isn’t new to big wins. In fact, he netted another seven-figure win at Hotel Conrad on another occasion in January 2017.

Perhaps Bartelle wasn’t as risky back in these days, because he was only wagering $35,000 on single numbers, not the $100k that he’s now betting.

He got lucky with the exact same number, 32, and earned a $1,225,000 payout. This win brought about another celebration between he and his buddies.

That said, Pedro has two wins worth a combined $4.725 million. These winnings alone rival any other famous roulette player.

Does Pedro Grendene Bartelle Have a Secret Roulette Strategy?

You may have heard about advantage-play strategies that can be used to beat roulette. I’m going to discuss one of these strategies later when covering other big winners.

As for Bartelle, he doesn’t employ any such methods to win. But he does have a certain betting technique that he likes to use.

I explained earlier that the $3.5 million profit didn’t come entirely from the single-number wager. The amount of chips that he placed on 32 would’ve led to a $1.2 million profit.

As shown in the linked tweet before, Bartelle makes a modified “complete bet.” He specifically targets inside wagers (i.e. single, split, square, and street) that deal with 32.

But he leaves out the square and street wagers and instead focuses entirely on single and split bets. Therefore, he’s not making a true complete bet.

Pedro put a large stack of chips on 32. He also covered the eight numbers surrounding this space.

He’s not the only wealthy magnate to use such a strategy. Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley collected a £1.3 million payout after making a complete bet on the number 17.

Should You Use Modified Complete Bets Like Bartelle?

You may wonder if there’s any real advantage to filling up the board with single and split bets. The reality is that you won’t gain any edge over the house by doing so.

Complete betting, or the modified version used by Pedro, isn’t an advantage-gambling method. Instead, it’s just a fun way to play the game.

The idea behind complete betting is to set yourself up for a huge payout. If one of your single or split bets (17.5:1 payout) hits, then you’ll have lots of chips coming back.

The only problem is that you’re risking a lot on a small portion of the board. You’re essentially looking for a mini jackpot.

Like in Pedro’s case, you may center all of these long-shot bets on a single number. It’s very likely that 32 is Bartelle’s lucky number.

Roulette Strategy Chart

Other Big Winners in Roulette History

With over $4.2 million in winnings accounted for, Pedro has definitely won lots of money on the roulette tables. However, he’s not the only player who’s won big with the game.

In fact, some gamblers have even used advantage play to book themselves millions of dollars in profits. Below, you can see other big winners in the game’s history.

Joseph Jagger

Joseph Jagger was an English engineer who may have been the first person to discover wheel bias, a phenomenon that occurs when roulette wheels favor certain numbers/sections.


Jagger correctly assumed that wheels suffer wear and tear and eventually become biased. He put his theory to use by hiring six clerks and sending them to Monte Carlo to record roulette-wheel results.


They returned with data that showed bias in one particular wheel. Jagger then traveled to Monte Carlo by himself and took advantage of the situation.

Roulette Strategy Card

He won what amounts to millions of pounds today during his trip in the early 1870s. Jagger was eventually banned from the casino, but not before earning a life-changing amount. Interestingly enough, he never played the game again.

Charles Wells

Charles Wells embodies every unsavory stereotype that people have about gamblers. He was a British conman who bilked people out of thousands of pounds through a proposed musical jump rope invention.

Rather than actually working on the musical jump rope he claimed to be developing, Wells took the investors’ money and went to Monte Carlo in 1891. What ensued was one of the luckiest roulette runs of all time.

According to sources, he won a large amount of single-number wagers.

Wells broke the bank, which involves winning all of the chips at a table, multiple tables and earned 1 million francs overall.

He returned to London and celebrated his newfound wealth. His success even inspired a famous song called “The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo.”

Filled with confidence from his previous trip, Wells went back to Monte Carlo and won yet another million. He was an even bigger celebrity when he returned to London this time.

Wells used his fame to con people into giving him an enormous amount of money. He used these funds to purchase a yacht and sail back to Monte Carlo for a third gambling trip.

However, his luck would run out this time. He lost all of his previous winnings and the investors’ money through roulette.

As it turned out, he didn’t have an elaborate strategy or cheat in anyway. Instead, he merely got lucky with the Martingale betting system, which involves doubling bets after every loss.

Upon returning to Britain, he was jailed for his schemes and spent eight years in prison. He later died in Paris a penniless man.

Billy Walters

Billy Walters made his name through sports betting. Most of his early success is attributed to being part of the “Computer Team.”

This group was among the first gamblers to use computers to their advantage in the early 1980s. During one particular venture, they gathered data on roulette games throughout Atlantic City casinos and ran calculations through their PC.

In 1986, they discovered that the Golden Nugget Casino was running a biased roulette game. Walters and his team then gambled on the wheel for 38 straight hours and won almost $4 million.

He’s since won much more money than this through sports betting and hustling golf courses. Walters is also a successful businessman who owns a number of car dealerships across the US.

Unfortunately, he was involved in an insider-trading scandal that dealt with Dean Foods. Walters was sentenced to prison and is currently serving his time.

Ashley Revell

Ashley Revell isn’t as big of a winner as the other gamblers on this list. However, he did make the boldest move of anybody discussed here.

In 2004, the Englishmen sold all of his possessions to accumulate money for a single roulette spin. After selling everything from his house to clothes, he accumulated just over $135,000.

Revell then traveled to Las Vegas and put the entire amount on red (red/black bet). His crazy bet paid off when the ball landed on 7, which is a red pocket.

After doubling his money, Revell tried making a go of things in the business world. He started the online poker site Poker UTD and another site called iGaming Recruitment. Both ventures eventually went offline.


Pedro Grendene Bartelle definitely has some notable roulette wins to his credit. In fact, his $3.5 million prize could potentially be the largest win in the game’s history.

But the one thing to consider here is Bartelle’s losses. He doesn’t play roulette with an advantage, making it difficult to tell how much he’s actually “won.”

He could very well be a big loser when his wins and losses are recorded. Even if this is the case, though, Bartelle won’t lose any sleep over it considering his fortune.

Win or lose, Pedro will be an exciting gambler to watch in the future. He’s already increased his largest win from $1.225 million to $3.5 million. At this rate, he could be pushing for $5 million payouts or more in the future!

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A roulette strategy has one aim and one aim only: to win. Most roulette strategies are based around telling players how they should bet and when to bet it. The game of roulette has more potential strategies than any other casino game.

However, most roulette players lose because the strategies they use are tailored towards promotions, rather than actual tips that can help them win.

This article will explain which roulette strategies work and show why others do not.

But first, it’s important to understand the basics of roulette strategy. A lot of roulette players believe in absolute nonsense.

Here are 10 common misconceptions about the roulette strategy.

1. Previous Spins Do Not Affect Future Spins

No matter how many times you spin the wheel, the chances that the ball landing on one number/color/etc remain the same every time. You can see this for yourself. Load up an online roulette wheel and play some spins for free. Record the results of red and black and try and spot some streaks. If you find one, check how many times that color spins next. After enough spins, you will find that the odds will not have changed at all. Previous spins do not affect future spins.

2. Progression Bets Do Not Help You Win In Roulette

Changing your bet size after each bet is called “progression”. Increasing your bet size is known as “positive progression”. Likewise, decreasing your bet size is known as “negative progression”.

No matter if it’s positive or negative, changing your bet size has no impact on your chances of winning.

Many roulette players wait for some sort of ‘trigger’ before implementing a betting progression strategy. One example could be waiting for black to win 3 times in a row. From here, the player would double the bet until they win.

This will not help the player win. Each spin is independent of the next and the odds have not changed since the last spin.

The only thing that is changing is the amount of money wagered. Sure, the player could be lucky and win big, but it’s just as likely they can be unlucky and lose big too.

3. Roulette Triggers Don’t Exist

Waiting for a certain event to happen does not impact your chances of winning in roulette. The only ‘trigger’ that can help you is if it is related to the physical wheel itself, rather than the sequence of numbers.

For example, if you decide to bet the number 3 after noticing that over 10,000 spins it wins at a higher percentage, then this is called bias analysis. This would make sense since there must be something about the wheel that causes the number 3 to win more often than other numbers.

On the other hand, waiting for the sequence red, black, black, black and then betting big on red does not affect your chances of winning.

Another trigger players like to use is skipping spins. Again, this does not win in the long-term.

Imagine that over the course of 500 spins, you only bet on 50 ie 10% and you manage to make a profit. This does not mean your ‘trigger’ means anything. All that’s really happened is that you won over the course of 50 spins.

4. Bankroll Management Does Not Help In Roulette

Bankroll management has two effects on roulette strategy: you either lose your money quicker (ie positive progression) or slower (ie negative progression).

All bankroll management does is control how much you should bet on each spin. Again, it comes down to the fact that bet sizing has no impact on your chances of winning.

5. Long Term Balance Does Not Exist In Roulette

After 5,000 spins of the wheel, the results of red or black will be close to even. Therefore, it seems reasonable to think that over the long term, you could check what color has spun the most and bet on the other one, right?

Not really. If there are more of one color than the other, then this is more because of a defect in the wheel. Therefore, if your roulette strategy was to bet on red because it had fewer wins than black, it would actually be a lot better to bet on black as the wheel is favored towards it.

6. Only Bet Short-Term Roulette Strategies

Lots of roulette strategies aim to make a 1-unit profit per session. Unless your units are in hundreds or thousands, it’s not enough to make a real difference anyway

But for the sake of argument, let’s assume that winning 1 unit a session is the be-all and end-all for winning roulette.

Now think of it like this: if it guarantees to win 1 unit a session, wouldn’t you want to use it all the time? After all, if it’s that good, why limit yourself to just 1 unit?

The answer is that short-term strategies do not work for roulette. They can either win over the long-term or they don’t. Either way, the house always has the edge.

7. Roulette Streaks Make No Difference To Your Chances Of Winning

Sometimes in roulette, the ball will land on the same number twice, three times or more in a row. This isn’t some freaky wizardry, it’s simple statistics.

On an American roulette wheel, the odds of spinning the same number three times in a row can be calculated by:

(1 in 38) x (1 in 38) x (1 in 38) = 1 in 54,872

But what about the odds of spinning the same number twice in a row, say 5, but then landing on a different number, say 7?

Since every spin is independent of the previous, spin, the chances are exactly the same as above: 1 in 54,872.

So it makes no logical sense to think that if one number is on a winning streak, it’s in your favor to bet it again.

This also applies to other roulette bets, including red or black, first, second, or third dozen, etc.

8. You Can’t Use Progression To Win Before A “Rare Event” Happens”

Once again, this comes down to the fact the odds do not change. Rare events do not exist in roulette. The only reason players think they do is because they have not seen enough spins for it to have happened yet.

For example, the player may not have seen this sequence of winning numbers before: 1,4,6,2,5. But they may also have never seen this sequence of winning numbers before either: 12, 25, 14, 9, 0.

After enough spins, both of these sequences will happen at some point. With a large enough sample size, you will see that they will also occur the same number of times too.

Each sequence of winning numbers in roulette is just as rare as each other.

9. Just Because A Roulette Strategy Wins Doesn’t Guarantee It Works

Roulette betting strategies either win in the long term or they don’t, it’s as simple as that. For example, if you decide to use a negative progression strategy after losing a few bets, the end result remains a loss.

On the other hand, you could wait for “triggers” before using an aggressive betting strategy and win big. Of course, you will not be making as many bets as the progression strategy, meaning you can make your bankroll last for, potentially, thousands of spins.

Now, just because you may have won big does not mean that the system you used was a good one. If you analyze this in more detail, you will likely see multiple large spikes in your bankroll.

To see how ‘good’ this system really is, find a reliable roulette system tester and create another one with completely random bets. Over 10,000, 20,000 or even 50,000 spins, you may find that betting randomly can be profitable.

Does this mean that the random selection process is a winning strategy that works? Of course not.

You will have just been lucky.

It’s easy to think that you have a winning strategy when all that happened was that you got lucky from time to time. This happens to a lot of players.

Luck can even make losing strategies profitable. Those using it may stop playing roulette and end with a profit, making them believe the strategy was effective.

Over time though, if they continue playing, reality will catch up and the system will lose.

10. Winning Most Of The Time In Roulette Is Enough

Imagine you had a roulette strategy that won 75% of the time. Over the course of 4 days, you profit on 3 and lose on 1. Your results may be something like:

Day 1: +10 units

Day 2: +20 units

Day 3: +50 units

Day 4: -100 units

Everything was going so well until something happened that you didn’t expect and you lost big. How did this happen? You just got unlucky, right?

Except that you didn’t. Casinos don’t leave it up to chance to make money. In the end, the house wins because of its long-term edge over players.

Winning Systems: The Casino’s Illusion

Casinos profit because they know the majority of players can’t tell the difference between a winning roulette strategy and a losing one. Here’s an example that shows how this can happen.

Imagine 100 players all played roulette and used exactly the same strategy as each other, but none of them knew each other or the systems each of them were using.

After using the strategy over the course of 1 month, these were the results:

40 of the players won a total of $400,000. Since they all won, they are sure that their strategy wins. Since they believe they have a winning strategy, they will return to the casino hoping to win more money.

The remaining 60 players lost a total of $500,000. Since they all lost, they are sure their system loses. Since they believe they have a losing strategy, they will look to improve it before returning to the casino again with a new system.

But none of this matters.

At the end of the day, the casino is the real winner.

Firstly, they have made a $100,000 profit from this group of 100 players.

They also have the winning players coming back, even though it’s not a long-term profitable strategy, as shown by the 60 losing players.

Sure, they may have initially paid out $400,000, but to the casino, it’s like an investment. They pay out with the expectation the players return and bet the same strategy – only this time, the players will lose.

Casinos don’t care about winners or losers; they just need more people to lose than to win.

How To Win At Roulette

So now that the important things have been covered, it’s time to learn how to win at roulette.

On a typical American roulette wheel, your chances of picking the right number are 1 in 38.

The only way is to improve your own chances of winnings. If you don’t, the odds remain in favor of the casino.

How do you do this?

By studying the thing that actually determines the result of a spin: the wheel and the ball.

But this isn’t brand new information to casinos. They know better than anyone how players can use the roulette wheel to give them a real advantage.

Losing Roulette Strategies

So by now, you should understand why a lot of strategies lose. They use a ‘trigger’ that doesn’t exist, they implement some form of bet progression or they focus on the numbers rather than the roulette wheel and ball.

Roulette Strategy Secrets

The following section will show you some of the best-known roulette strategies. However, they all lose in the long-term. From everything discussed so far, you will see why they lose now too.

The Martingale Strategy

Martingale is a betting progression strategy. If you lose a bet, you must double it for the next one.

This is not a good strategy for multiple reasons:

  1. If you go on a bad run using martingale, you can lose your bankroll quickly.
  2. After lots of doubles, you will reach the maximum bet amount. Even if it wins, you may not be able to recoup your losses.
  3. The odds do not change when you double the size of your bet. All that’s happening is changing your bet on a different spin.

Tier et Tout Strategy

This is another betting progression strategy but with bankroll management included too.

Like the martingale, no matter how many times you increase or decrease the size of your bet, the chances of winning never change. The only thing you are doing is making different bets of different sizes.

You are just as likely to win (or lose) making a random bet of a random size.

John Solitude Raindrop Strategy

This roulette strategy uses the balance misconception. It expects to win ‘in the end’ but this does not work because it won’t allow you to choose bets in a way that actually improves your chances of winning.

These are just a selection of losing strategies by there are countless others out there, each claiming to be the next thing since sliced bread. But they all share the same misconceptions of roulette strategy.

You may also find strategies that may sound different at first but they are actually exactly the same as other losing systems.

You must be aware of this before learning which strategies you should actually be using.

Winning Roulette Strategies

Many roulette players use strategies that do not work. Unfortunately, many people are losing because they have been convinced that it is a winning roulette strategy.

Everything that this article has covered so far should help you identify a losing system, should you come across one. Hopefully, you will never need to waste another penny again.

Now for the good news.

Here are the best winning roulette strategies.

Roulette Computers

These are small electronic devices that can measure the speed of the wheel and the ball as it travels. This predicts where the ball will land.

This is the most effective way to beat roulette.

Bear in mind though that, while they’re not illegal, if you get caught using them, you will probably get banned from the casino so keep them hidden as much as possible.


Visual Ballistics

This involves looking at the wheel with your own eyes to predict where the ball lands. With practice, it becomes a lot easier than you may think (but a lot tougher compared to other effective winning roulette strategies.)

Dealer’s Signature

A lot of roulette dealers spin the wheel and ball consistently, leading to predictable patterns. This is known as the ‘dealer’s signature’ and is the reason why they are changed every 30 minutes or so.

It works on the following principles:

  1. The ball hits some diamonds more often than others ie dominant diamonds.
  2. The ball bounce is not totally unpredictable.

When the wheel spins at, near enough, the same speed, the ball will travel a predictable distance and drop into a predictable area of the wheel.

Keep in mind that this strategy doesn’t work on every wheel though. You need to find the right wheel and the right dealer to get the most from this strategy.

Bias Analysis

Every single roulette wheel has some sort of defect. Even if it’s a tiny defect, it can affect how the ball lands.

This is known as bias.

If you can spot the defect and learn how it affects the results, you can profit from roulette.

Of course, this strategy relies on you spotting the defect before the casino does and removes it from play.