Electronic Roulette Machine Tricks

  1. Electronic Roulette Machine Tricks To Play

The majority of articles that discuss casino roulette tips and tricks are written by people with no genuine experience of winning at roulette. Typically their sole purpose is to drive traffic to online casinos, without regard for the accuracy of the advice. Those articles wont quite teach you how to win big at roulette. This article provides legitimately effective roulette tips to win at online roulette and real casino roulette. In other words, these tips actually help you win. If you are after a full and roulette system that works, visit roulettephysics.com.

However, not everyone aims to make a living from roulette. Some people simply want to have some fun, so I will divide the tips into two sections. Section 1 deals with professional roulette system play whether it be for online roulette tips or real casinos, and section 2 deals with playing for fun.

For Professional Players: Roulette Tips To Win

Professional playing is known as advantage play because even casinos acknowledge it beats roulette. See advantage play roulette for details. You can win big at roulette although keep in mind the real limitation is what you can win without being detected.

Tip 1

You cannot consistently beat roulette with outside bets. This may be the most important advice I can give. This is because outside bets are scattered representation of the roulette wheel. Simply put, outside bets guarantee you cannot beat roulette in the long-term. The only bets they can consistently win are inside bets because inside they represent specific sectors of the wheel. This is one of the most important roulette tips.

3 MBS loyalty programme members took advantage of a system glitch to obtain free play credits, which they used to win about $875,133 from electronic roulette machines. One of them was redeeming her loyalty Sands Bonus Dollars for free play credits when she discovered the glitch. Electronic Roulette Machines The operation of electronic roulette machines is very simple. As in any roulette game, your goal is to guess on which number the ball will land. The electronic roulette software is based on an electronic circuit where an air blower launches the ball and rotating plates accelerate its movement. It is the ultimate goal of every roulette player to beat the roulette wheel. If you are comfortable with using electronic roulette cheats, then by all means make use of it. However, if you still want to win at roulette, but not by using cheats, you make use of roulette tips that will help you win winning more games. In fact, how electronic roulette machines operate is quite simple; the software runs on an electronic circuit air blower, which launches the ball into the roulette slots, depending on the force and speed that the user utilized. Many beginners have presumed that such machines run on magnets, which is also untrue.

Tip 2

Use the physics of the roulette wheel to predict where the ball will land. This is the only way you can beat roulette.

Tip 3

Never base a betting strategy on the table layout. Doing so is no different to random bets. Only focus on the wheel and ball.

Tip 4

Only play based on the spins of a real wheel. If the roulette wheel is a computer animation, then this is not roulette – it is a slot machines with roulette animations. You cannot beat slot machines because there is no real physics involved that determines the game outcomes.

Tip 5

Understand the cause and effect of winning numbers. There are always physical variables that determine where the ball will land. Once you understand them, you can develop strategies that work.


Tip 6

Think in terms of days and weeks of play, rather than hours. This is because proper assessment of methods must be done over a statistically relevant number of spins. If you basic success or failure of a roulette system over just 10 or so spins, there is no way you will know whether or not your strategy works. In other words, anything can happen in the short term.

Tip 7

Be aware of being detected. Most casino staff have at least a vague understanding of how roulette can be beaten. Therefore the staff are trained to observe players that exhibit behaviour indicative of professional play. For example, constantly betting late in the spin is a tell-tale sign of visual ballistics application. There is a free visual ballistics course at www.genuinewinner.com although there are better and more covert methods to win at roulette. Carefully observe the behaviour of staff to determine when you have been detected. Often the signs are not subtle, and may involve the croupier are calling no more bets much earlier. In any event, if you are detected, the casino staff will not tolerate your consist in winnings one way or another.

Tip 8

Accept that even with an effective roulette system, you will still have losing days. Understand that with a genuinely effective strategy, you are still likely to profit in the long-term.

Tips For Casual (Fun) Play

Tip 1

Expect that will probably lose. Without professional roulette strategy, expect to lose. Of course you may get lucky, but at least understand the odds are against you.

Tip 2

Give thought to how frequently your bets are expected to win. If you place a bet on one number, statistically you will win once every 37 spins, which may be too infrequent for fun play. You may be better off with outside bets such as red and black.

Tip 3

Increasing bets after losses can quickly blow your bankroll. If you see something like 10 reads that have spun in a row, the odds of black spinning next do not change. So doubling up bets is not betting higher to cover previous losses, it is simply a completely different bet that is larger, so your potential for loss is greater. You can either get lucky and win a lot back, or completely blow your bankroll. Be aware of these possibilities. If you are looking to sustain play for a while, then doubling up is not a good idea.

Tip 4

if you use betting progressions (increasing bets eyes after wins), use a less aggressive approach. For example, if you are betting on red and you lose, you’re next bet maybe red +1 more chipped than the previous bet. If win the next spin, then decrease your bet by one unit. This is a mild progression that can sustain play for some time.

Tip 5

Be aware that some online casinos are rigged and impossible to beat even with luck. Many casinos don’t use real wheels, and instead use computers to determine the winning number. These are simply slot machines. And while many casinos offer fair random number generators, other casinos predetermine the spin results based on the amount the casino has already paid out. For example, the casinos software may be programmed only to pay out certain amounts after other players have lost larger amounts. So if you play online, make sure the casino offers fair RNG all live WebCam roulette where a real wheel is used.

Tip 6

Set yourself strict limits, and adhere to them. If you are only prepared to lose $200, then only bring $200.

Tip 7

Don’t play purely to win back losses. If you do, this is the path to gambling addiction. It is better to accept that losses are final and move on.

Tip 8

Learn the odds of roulette, so can calculate how much you should expect to win or lose in a specific period.

To get the best free roulette systems that really work, see the top 5 proven roulette systems and the video series below. It's the best 100% free information for winning roulette you'll find. It's written by professionals who are really earning a living from roulette.

“Go big or go home” says the gambler seated beside you at the blackjack table. Everyone knows the odds in a casino are against the player, so you’re both probably trying different tricks to win.

Some, like counting cards in your mind, are legal. However, most of the other ways you can think of are probably against the law.

The Casino Control Act (CCA) contains most of the casino-related offences you could get fined or jailed for. You may also be charged under other laws such as the Penal Code or the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act (CDSCA).

What People have Gotten Caught for

8 not-so-lucky ways gamblers have tried to win more at casinos but got themselves arrested, fined or jailed instead are:

1. Sneaking in bets after the dealer reveals the result (also known as past-posting)

In July 2015, a 23-year old man tried to bet $500 after the dealer revealed the winning result of a Sic-Bo game at the Marina Bay Sands (MBS) Casino. He stood to win $25,000 if he was not caught.

However, the dealer caught the man and alerted the pit manager. The CCTV also recorded the past-posting.

He was sentenced to 4 weeks’ jail for cheating at play under the CCA.

2. Swapping cards

4 Turkish tourists won $6,075 while playing Three Card Poker in August 2015 by tricking the dealer at the Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) Casino.

One tourist distracted the dealer and another blocked the other patrons’ view so the remaining 2 conspirators could exchange cards under the table.

The dealer did not discover what they were doing. However, the RWS surveillance team picked up on their tricks on CCTV. The tourists were sentenced to between 12 weeks’ and 6 months’ jail for cheating at play.

3. Taking advantage of a system error to obtain more free credits


3 MBS loyalty programme members took advantage of a system glitch to obtain free play credits, which they used to win about $875,133 from electronic roulette machines.

One of them was redeeming her loyalty Sands Bonus Dollars for free play credits when she discovered the glitch. Her redemptions were not recorded because of the glitch and she repeatedly used the glitch to obtain more free play credits.

Instead of informing MBS, she told the other 2 loyalty programme members how to do the same. Together, they obtained $1.029 million worth of free credits from the glitch. They either kept their winnings, transferred their winnings to others or converted them into gaming chips.

Their exploits were later discovered by MBS. They were charged under the CDSCA and sentenced to between 12 to 26 months’ jail. They also agreed to return the $875,133 to MBS.

4. Stealing a playing card machine to photograph the cards’ sequence

In May 2013, 13 Thai nationals stole a baccarat playing card machine from MBS. They crowded around the cabinet holding the card machines and brought it to their hotel room, where they laid out and photographed the cards in sequence. They then replaced the cards in sequence and put the playing card machine back in the cabinet.

The next day, they played baccarat at the same table as the stolen card machine and won about $1.372 million in 3 hours. Casino staff caught on their scheme after the Thai nationals’ actions were recorded on CCTV. They were sentenced to between 12.75 months and 17.25 months jail under the CCA.

5. Making under-the-table deals with the dealer to see the last card in the deck

A Singaporean befriended 3 RWS croupiers and colluded with them to cheat RWS of $12,915 between May and July 2015. While playing Three Card Poker, the dealers flashed the last card in the deck to the gambler in exchange for 20% of his winnings.

The scheme was exposed by CCTV footage which showed the 3 dealers showing the last card in the deck to the gambler.

The gambler was jailed for 12 months. 2 of the dealers were sentenced to 4 and 8 months’ jail. The last dealer is on the run.

6. Making under-the-table deals with the dealer to get paid extra chips

2 Chinese students were jailed for 8 and 15 weeks respectively under the CCA for making under-the-table deals with an MBS baccarat dealer between April and May 2016.

The dealer would either overpay their winning bets or not take in the losing bets. At times, the dealer even paid out on losing bets. The dealer would also hand the students extra chips when they were going to convert the chips to cash.

Their scheme obtained them about $19,700. After the chips were converted to cash, they would meet in the MBS hotel toilets to split the money. The dealer was said to be the mastermind and jailed for 8 months and 12 weeks under the Penal Code and the CCA. The 3 of them also paid $20,275 back to MBS.

7. Convincing other players at the table they have lost

In December 2015, 4 men and 2 women from China were charged with cheating at play under the CCA. What they did was to convince other players at the MBS and RWS baccarat tables that these players had lost their bets. They then pocketed their victims’ chips.

They reportedly cheated victims of about $700 worth of chips. The 6 suspects were also believed to have cheated other casino patrons by pretending to help them place bets.

8. Using smartphones to record jackpot machines’ play patterns

A Czech national and 2 Russians won $108,995 from the jackpot machines (also known as slot machines) at MBS and RWS over 3 days in May 2016 by using their smartphones to film the jackpot machines’ play patterns.

They later uploaded the recordings to a server to predict the jackpot machines’ mass payouts. The predictions were sent back to the players’ smartphones to alert them of the mass payouts.

They were part of a Russian syndicate which paid players 10% of the winnings. All 3 were charged with cheating at play under the CCA. The Czech national was jailed for 22 months. The 2 Russians were sentenced to 45 and 30 months’ jail respectively.

The 45-month jail sentence was later reduced on appeal to 38 months after the courts introduced and applied new sentencing guidelines for the offence of cheating at play.

Other Casino Offences

Other illegal behaviour under the CCA include:

  1. Putting fake coins into a jackpot or slot machine
  2. Making fake chips or chip purchase vouchers
  3. Using any device to count or record the cards dealt
  4. Carrying, selling, or buying fake chips to use as real chips (and the use of such fake chips)
  5. Carrying or using tampered cards or dice
  6. Carrying or using anything which could interfere with the casino’s games
  7. Tricking the dealer to get more money
  8. Pretending to be casino staff

While the UK Supreme Court has held in a lawsuit against Genting Casinos that edge-sorting by a gambler himself will be considered cheating, it remains to be seen whether Singapore will take the same approach.

Casino Control Act Punishments

Depending on which CCA offence you have been suspected of committing, you can be arrested without a warrant and jailed for up to 7 years, fined up to $150,000, or both.

Electronic Roulette Machine Tricks To Play

At the very least, the CCA empowers Singapore casinos to detain you until the police arrives if they suspect you cheated. We don’t imagine that’s an enjoyable way to spend a free day.